Being in a state of discontent can rock your world! Being discontent can cause you to go one of two ways – rock your world in a way that causes you to pull back and isolate or, it can propel you forward to healing and rock your world by expanding opportunities.
Which way do you want to go? A seasoned life coach is an important part of your journey. We are not meant to do this life alone and a coach that has walked the path before you can certainly help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This one small decision to partner with a coach can take you there faster.
There are seven specific areas of wellness that can help you move from your stagnant state of living to a dynamic state of living. These seven areas of health include physical, spiritual, emotional, occupational, social, environmental, and relational.
Here’s the deal, if even just one of these is out of whack or ignored, it can lead to discontentment in the other areas, bringing you to living a pretty lack-luster life. Now, I’m not suggesting you tackle each of these all at once. That would just bring you more chaos and it is unnecessary.
The point is that it is important to focus on all of these in order to create movement and clarity in your life, and to cultivate a total wellness lifestyle to bring joy and fulfillment to your life.
Oftentimes we put ourselves in an emotional prison because we don’t know what went wrong. All the sudden (or so it feels that way), we feel completely lost, crazy, or alone due to years of gradual anguish, deep rooted issues, and brokenness. Then we begin to create false beliefs about ourselves, which in turn leads to poor eating habits, poor exercise habits, poor spending habits, poor choices in relationships, poor decisions at work, and poor parenting skills. Ugh! That’s exhausting!
Then we don’t want to tell anyone how we are doing, because we have to be perfect, put together, always. Wrong, again, this is where a life coach comes in. When you make that small decision to take care of yourself, to refuse isolation, to refuse settling for a mediocre life, when you have an advocate walking beside you, a coach, you begin to heal what is broken, your awareness heightens, and you can then begin our journey to total health and wellness! Permanently!
Be blessed!