Ever hear the phrase “don’t let the sun set on your anger”? Many people interpret this as just, “don’t be mad”. Whatever happened, just get over it – don’t let it control you. This is partly true. The don’t let it (anger) control you part anyway.
What it really means is in your anger do not sin by seeking revenge, don’t respond in anger because you are angry. Keep a positive outlook and perspective, sleep on it and then address it in the morning after your mind has had some time to evaluate and your body’s physical response can settle.
When we get angry, our heart can race, maybe we sweat or feel flushed, which does not feel good either and can add to the angry feeling. Anger is not a sin itself, but our impulsive angry response is. And do you know why we respond in this way?
Because there is something we are holding onto. Something we cannot seem to let go of. Someone did us wrong, there was an injustice, lack of closure. Because we have not resolved what is ailing us, or hurt us, we cannot move on. We stuff those feelings, we ignore them, or we release them on an impulse. Either way, we project the harm onto others.
You know the phrase… “hurt people, hurt people”. It’s what we do, it’s locked into our mindset that we have to react, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Because if we continue this pattern, guess what, we become that person, the one who hurts others because we continue to harbor anger from the past. It does matter, it does impact other relationships. You can’t dismiss what someone did to you. But you can be proactive rather than reactive.
What you can do is forgive. Say WHAT!!!???? Yes, that’s right. You forgive those that hurt you, those that wronged you, those that abused you. Let me be more clear – forgiveness is NOT for them, it is for YOU. Because if you do not forgive them, guess what? – they remain in YOUR head forever. You remain in an emotional prison forever. And that person, those people, DON’T CARE. Again, forgiveness is for YOU, not them.
By forgiving, you release them which means you free yourself to live without them in your head, haunting your memories and dreams forever. They no longer have control and power over you. You are free to move on and live your life with joy, peace, and passion. That person, that situation no longer controls you and you take back your power and your strength!!! How amazing is that??!!!
Now, don’t get me wrong, this takes time. Forgiveness is not something you do once, it’s not a one and done situation. As a matter of fact, the Bible says you forgive as many times as it takes (or “seventy times seven”), because in reality after we forgive tomorrow, we may wake up angry all over again. We forgive again. Wake up angry again. Yep, you guessed it – forgive again.
Basically, the more you forgive, the easier it gets. Eventually you will have completely released that person, that situation that had so much control over you and your life. You are FREE from carrying that burden of pain anymore. It is no longer yours to carry. And what’s even more powerful, if you release it to God, He will carry it for you.
Many of my clients have received this healing peace and freedom in forgiveness and you can too, as long as you are ready and willing to try. It’s time to let yourself out of prison, the key is forgiveness.
Be blessed!

There is definately a lot to find out about this subject. I love all of the points you’ve made.