I have had so many clients that come to me completely done, emotionally checked out, barely functioning, really…just getting by. When I ask what they are doing that has got them so beat down, most all of them reply with a story about all the things they have to do in a day. I get the rundown of the daily schedule from 5:00 am to 11:00 pm. Never stopping to take a breath.
This is how their lives are run, never stopping to take a breath. I have a few thoughts on this. Well, okay so maybe I have one big thought on this…PRIORITIES MAN! How many times do we pull out our laundry list of things to do and we mark them ALL as priority. You are setting your expectations for yourselves so high that there is no possible way you can achieve these goals. Not all in a day anyway. And, where do YOU fall on the list? NO-WHERE. Nada, zilch, zero…NO. TIME. FOR. SELF. No wonder they are exhausted!
If the things on your list are so important, isn’t it even more important to care for the person that made the list…YOU?
Maybe your mindset is, “well if I take care of all of these things, I will feel good about myself and that is taking care of me”. Ehhh…perhaps, but your still killing yourself to get it all done and really maybe you need to find a partner in crime, if not your spouse or bff to help you re-work your priorities, or delegate, or identify a breakdown in your list that you cannot see. Find a coach to partner with you to help you find ways to create margin, and rest. Even God rested after completing His list of creating the whole world! So why shouldn’t you? ?
Take care of yourself and be blessed!